SL-GMS Demos

The following demos are run in Java applets to illustrate how SL-GMS Development Tools offer compact, thin-client dynamic graphics ideal for high-performance over the web. To assist in gauging download times, the size (in K bytes) of each applet is provided.


Interactive Network Management Demo (286K)
Interactive Card Rack (73K)
Interactive Network Management Demo - USA (87K)
Card Rack (19K)


Process Monitoring and Control

Interactive Process Control Demo (170K)
Auxiliary Furnace - WORLD (32K)
Auxiliary Supply - USA (30K)
Auxiliary Heater System (25K)
Mould Injector Status (25K)
Reactor Core Display (22K)


Intelligent Traffic Control

Interactive Traffic Control - Sonoma, CA (170K)
Interactive Traffic Control - Los Angeles, CA (55K)

Command and Control

Interactive Command/Control Demo (106K)
Avionics Model - provided by SBS (42K)
MIL-SPEC Simulation (24K)


Trend, Scatter & Time Axis Graphs (120K)
Interactive Real-Time Location System (54K)
Basic Dynamic Examples


SL-GMS Applet Information

The demos listed on this page illustrate the compact size and superior performance of dynamic graphic displays built with SL-GMS. Click here for details about how these applets are created.