RTView Enterprise 5.1 Featured Product Updates
OnBlog, Middleware Monitoring, Solace Monitoring, TIBCO Monitoring
RTView Enterprise 5.1 was recently released. Here are some featured updates. For the complete list of updates, please read the Release Notes.
New Alert Notification User Interface
Alert Notifications have been enhanced to support several new actions and a better configuration interface. For each notification, you can select one or more of the following actions:
- Execute a Script
- Execute a Java Method
- Send Email to one or more recipients
- Send SNMP Trap
- Other - execute any command supported by our RTView Core product
- Conditional - execute different commands based on values in the alert. For example, you could email Jvm alerts to the system administrator and Ems alerts to the TIBCO administrator.
Integration with Solace Stats Pump
The Solace Stats Pump Data Source has been integrated into the RTView Solace Monitor. The Solace Stats Pump Data Source is used by default in the RTView Configuration Application ( Config UI).
Support for HA Solace Brokers
This new Solace Stats Pump Data Source supports HA Broker Pairs and multi-threaded SEMP XML response parsing which improves Data Server performance.
Output Solace SEMP data from Solace Stats Pump to a Solace Broker
The Solace Stats Pump can be configured to execute in isolation and send monitoring data from multiple Brokers to a designated Broker. This configuration will not downgrade the performance of the monitored Brokers if the Broker that will receive the monitoring data is exclusively doing this task.
See the Solace documentation for further reference on how to configure Stats Pump for sending monitoring data to a Solace Broker.
Support for Updating Properties via REST API
RTView has been enhanced with a REST API for editing Solution Package properties. This is useful for:
1. Importing an initial set of connections into the Configuration Application is especially useful where there are a lot of connections and adding them via the Configuration Application UI would be too time consuming. Once the connections are imported using the REST API, all further editing can be done in the Configuration Application.
2. Dynamic updating of connections via automated process. These connections will only be updated via the automated process and will not be included in the Configuration Application. Connections will be applied without requiring a restart of the data server.
Solace and TIBCO Enterprise Message Service properties are editable in the new REST API. Other Solution Packages properties will be added soon. A sample application has been added to all deliverables that shows how to use the REST API under rtvapm\sampleapps\propeditor. See the README.txt in that directory for instructions.
TIBCO FTL 6.0 supportSupport for TIBCO FTL 6.x has been added and support for TIBCO FTL 5.x has been deprecated.
For the complete list of updates in the 5.1 release, please read the Release Notes.
Categories: Blog
Middleware Monitoring
Solace Monitoring
TIBCO Monitoring